Mission: Helping People with Life Challenges Through Outreach and Interactions with Animals and Nature
Please check our Facebook page for last minute updates on cancellations, time changes, or other announcements.
January 27: 11:00 AM, Horse Trivia Zoom call for volunteers and participants. Email info@colbysarmy.org to register. We will send you the link a day or so before the event.
February 24: 1:00 PM, Crafts day at Colby's Army. Open to the community. Perfect for those age 5 and up. Learn how to make crafts from repurposed items or items from nature. $5 materials fee. Email info@colbysarmy.org to register.
March 9: 2:00 PM Colby's Army annual awards reception! Open to Colby's Army volunteers, supporters, and community partners. Email info@colbysarmy.org to sign up, and to receive location and other information for this very special event!.
April 6: 1:00 PM. Saddle fitting for our horses. Open to all Colby's Army volunteers. Come learn how to assess a saddle's safety, fit a saddle, and help our therapy horses be comfortable in their lessons! Email info@colbysarmy.org to sign up.
April 27: 5:00 PM Potluck! Open to all Colby's Army volunteers. Enjoy some great food and conversation and learn about our latest news! Email info@colbysarmy.org to sign up.
May 11: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM, Colby's Army 1st Annual Plant Sale! Open to the public. Volunteers, please email info@colbysarmy.org to sign up to help before and during the sale.
July 27: 2:00 PM Creek Cleanup, 5:00 PM potluck. Come play in our beautiful Blue Spring Creek and pick up trash while you are having fun. Open to all Colby's Army volunteers. Then join us for food and conversation at our summer potluck. Email info@colbysarmy.org to sign up.
October 18-19: 9th Annual Extravaganza Yard Sale. 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. Emailinfo@colbysarmy.orgfor sponsor information.
October 26: 25¢ After Sale. 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. Stop by for some great deals!
November 6: 5:00 PM, Halloween party and potluck. Costumes preferred, but not required. Open to all Colby's Army volunteers and riding participants. Email info@colbysarmy.org to sign up.
Please check back regularly for additional events and schedule changes.